6 Simple Truths about Seasons of Waiting Candy Arrington “Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14 NLT Several years ago, my husband suddenly lost his job. He’d been with the company for over 30 years and had weathered periods of low work and company-wide layoffs so this was totally unexpected. No job, at this point in our lives, wasn’t in our plan. By the end of that week, my husband had submitted his resume to two firms. The next week he had interviews and two job offers. He was out…
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Written By, Dr. Linda Mintle – Therapist & Author A while back, I had the privilege of meeting with a church book club that had chosen my book, Letting Go of Worry, as their reading selection. I made a brief presentation and then opened the floor for questions and comments. It was obvious. There is much to worry about if we allow ourselves to be anxious. In Luke 21:14, Jesus urged His disciples to make up their minds not to worry. They were facing persecution and imprisonment. Either of these situations would cause most of us to worry. But Jesus’ words…
J. Stephen Lang Work has become a four-letter word for many people. Societies go through cycles—one generation works hard and plays little, another generation reverses the trend. Right now we seem to be in a pro-play, anti-work feeling. We seem to have forgotten the truth of William James’s statement: “Nothing is work unless you would rather be doing something else.” In other words, if you truly enjoy work, it isn’t work. Maybe we’ve neglected this truth and fallen prey to the “can’t wait till Friday” mentality. The Bible makes no pleasant promises to people who spend their entire work week…
Breaking Free From The Crippling Effects of Stress Anxiety, worry, and tension are some of the most destructive forces we can face. They sap our strength and slowly undermine our faith, keeping us from maturing in the Lord (Luke 8:14). If we are to grow in our relationship with Jesus, we must discover God’s plan for freedom from the crippling cycle of stress. Stress’ Source of Power Anxiety, worry, and tension occur when we face a situation and choose to rely upon our own strength rather than upon God and His Word. Maybe we have forgotten that God can handle…
Jim Burns – Contributing Writer Most parents are doing a good job of parenting, but don’t realize it. All parents should understand that there are no perfect families. I know for sure that mine isn’t! Likewise, there is no perfect parenting method. Still, my wife Cathy and I have settled on what we believe to be the 10 essential ingredients for building and maintaining a happy family. Here they are presented in an “overview” form. For a more in-depth look at these issues, you may find my book, The 10 Building Blocks for a Happy Family, helpful! 1. Be there for…