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Sign up for a CBN Daily Bible Reading Plan Jon Ferguson Dave Ferguson I cannot change the world. You cannot change the world. Even prayer alone doesn’t change the world. Only God can change the world! However, God uses prayer to change us, and then God uses us to change our world. Let God Talk My meeting had finished early, and I left the group and headed to a soft chair on the other side of the room. It was January, and I was in South Florida for a board meeting (a great place to be that time of year if…


Ever been here: you have a major event coming up. So you plan. You prepare. You make your list and check it twice. No detail is left undone. Then, in a moment’s notice, everything changes. Circumstances force a change of schedule. Suddenly, it makes no difference how hard you worked. Everything is on hold. For the past two and a half weeks, I’ve been hard at work preparing to begin videotaping my Legion Bible study teaching series. The open door to begin filming was a huge answer to a long-awaited prayer. Production was scheduled to begin tomorrow. Then … lightning…


Tim Bishop As I travel in Christian circles, I hear this phrase more and more: “God told me…”. Oh really? I think. I’ve never heard His audible voice. What’s that make me? I feel like saying, “The next you hear from Him, please record it on your phone. It may help convince some unsaved loved ones.” If so many people hear from God, is He discreet enough to speak only when no one else can overhear Him? I learned skepticism growing up and in the business world. It’s a useful trait. But with my desire for hard evidence, it’s a miracle that I believe…


By The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. (James 5:16) When a baby is born, there is a suspenseful moment when all those in attendance watch eagerly for the newborn baby to begin breathing. In the same way, when a person is born again, be begins to sustain a spiritual life through prayer. A wise man, Rowland Hill, once said, “Prayer is the breath of a newborn soul, and there can be no life without it.” Accordingly, when people speak of having a “prayer life” they should realize that prayer is not just a feature of spiritual…


Tim Abel As a father of four children, I have many rich memories of those amazing, early years. I remember Christmas mornings, birthday parties, backyard games … and countless lessons learned. Those lessons were not always intended for the kids. In fact, many of the lessons were meant for me! Looking back now, I recognize how many times God used those daily interactions as my personal learning opportunities. For instance, I can remember shopping trips with my children. Many times they would bring me merchandise with bold requests. “Daddy, can I have this? I really need one of these!” They were not…

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