by Ken Barnes “He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness, and treads on the heights of the earth — the Lord God Almighty is his name.” Amos 4:13(NIV) In many of our spiritual struggles, it often seems like our pleas with God go unheeded. The movement of God’s Spirit, like the wind, though unobservable, always accomplishes its intended purpose. One day this fall, the pressures of life seemed to be encroaching increasingly upon me, and God appeared to be a bit hearing impaired. The wind was blowing…
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Peace: Finding God’s Complete Rest For Your Life It’s a search that drives men and nations to great extremes — the search for peace. So much of our time, energy and resources are consumed with trying to find and keep peace with family members, friends and neighbors. But often, no matter how hard we try, peace eludes us. The war in our minds and hearts rages on and on. Where can we find peace? The War Within If you are having trouble finding peace in your life, you must first understand the source of the conflict that is troubling you.…
How Does God Guide People? by Pat Robertson God’s primary means for giving us guidance is the Bible. “Jesus answered, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the spirit'” (John 3:5). The Bible is our rule book of faith and practice. If we know and understand the scriptures, we will be well on our way to having His guidance. He never guides His people contrary to the clear principles of His written Word. Second, guidance comes from a knowledge of God Himself. We need to know what…
How Can I Hear God Speaking to Me? by Tim Burns Turning to the right channel Like turning to the right channel, God speaks to individuals who are ready and prepared to listen. A friend once put it this way: A Christ-follower who builds the following four habits in his life will be in a good place to hear from God. First, Christians should build relationships with other Christians. This doesn’t mean excluding those who are not of the same faith from your circle of friends. Rather, a believer in Christ who makes close friends out of those with the…
Bible Verses about Prayer & Praying Related Content Make Up Your Mind Not to Worry Overcoming Anxiety, Worry, and Tension by Linda J. Gilden Many people say, “I don’t really know how to pray.” But God’s instructions are clear as to how to pray, who to pray for, when to pray, where to pray, and what you should pray for. The Bible gives specific direction for all those things and more. God created man to be in fellowship with Him and daily prayer is important to that relationship. Bible Verses about How to Pray Keep on asking, and you will receive…