What Is In Your Hands?


What Is In Your Hands?

Simisola Okai

In a social media world full of comparison, it is so easy to get lost in what other people are doing, what other people have and you don’t. It may be material possessions like money, a house, or a car; or it could be a relationship, a spouse, or a job you desperately want. The Bible says in Proverbs 18:16, “your gift will make room for you.” Not someone else’s gift. Your gift.

What is important to know is that most people post the highlights of their life on Instagram and Facebook, yet somehow we as a society fall into the trap of comparing others best with our worst.

The late Dr. Myles Munroe, of whom I had the privilege of meeting once said, “If you’re a young person in high school or college who is planning your career, don’t do what people say will make you a lot of money. Do what you were born to do because that is where you will make your money. No matter how big the world is, there’s a place for you in it when you discover and manifest your gift.”

It is amazing how you will discover the treasures already stored within you when you stop focusing on what you don’t have and instead focus on your God-given talents. For example, maybe you didn’t graduate at the top of your class. Instead of feeling defeated about it, concentrate on the subjects that you did well in and pour your energy into strengthening them. Maybe you scored low in mathematics because putting numbers together is not one of your strengths. Don’t despair, it is just a sign that you were not meant to be an accountant. That’s ok. It doesn’t make you a failure, it just makes you all the wiser for knowing what you are not naturally gifted in. So instead of feeling low about your friend that just posted about their acceptance into medical school, remember how you won first prize in that art contest?

I know for me, I was on the law school track during my early schooling years and enrolled in political science, law and government classes, thinking that was what I needed to do in order to have a stable, well-paying job. The only problem with that career path was I found myself falling asleep in class and getting average grades during my exams. Even though my true passion was writing, reading literature, and being involved in the creative arts, I tried to force myself to conform to what the world deemed as successful.

After much soul searching and guidance from my school counselor, I realized that I loved to write, and I enjoyed the art of storytelling. I made a big step at the end of my first year of college to change my major from Political Science to English Literature and Writing. I chose to study something I loved, even though I had no clue how that was going to lead to a career. Dr. Myles Munroe also said something that has proved true in my own life. He said: “It is interesting to note that the Bible does not say that a man’s education makes room for him, but that his gift does. The world won’t move over for you just because you’re smart. However, when you exercise your gift, not only will the world make room for you, but it will also pay you for it.”

It was a radical choice for me to make the switch from Law and Political Science to English Literature and Writing, yet somehow I knew I needed to be faithful with the gifts God had already given me. Today, I am so glad I chose to cultivate my gifts because I am so fulfilled in the career path that I am on now. I am a TV presenter and producer, and recently published my very first book, Waiting For The Ice Cream Man. God has opened incredible doors for me and done as Proverbs 18: 16 says, “brought me before great men”, all because I chose to use the gifts that He had placed in my hands.

So I ask you this question, what is in your hands? I challenge you to develop what God has already given you and watch Him use your talents to bless the world around you. Remember the parable of the talents from Matthew 25? The person who was given only two talents didn’t complain that he didn’t have the five that the other person had. He put the two that he had to great use and doubled the little he had. Therefore his master said, “well done good and faithful servant.” However, the person that was given only one talent did nothing with it and was called “lazy and wicked” by his master. The lesson here is if you don’t use your gift and spend all of your time comparing it to others, or complaining that it is not enough, you will lose the little that you do have. Matthew 13:12 says, “ For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him.”

Even if what you have is very little, thank God for giving it to you and start putting it to use. Start with whatever He has placed in your hands and watch God multiply it to bless many. So please do me a favor, and open both of your hands towards heaven. Declare Psalm 90 :17 as a prayer over your life :

“May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

establish the work of our hands for us—

yes, establish the work of our hands.”
